The Name's The Same
Clint Eastwood

Sharing a name with a star
often doesn't make Clint East-
wood's day.  When he was a kid,
says the sheet-metal worker
from Belton, Mo., "people
thought, 'You must be a tough
guy.'  I ended up getting my butt
whipped a lot."  Now he gets a
"Yeah, sure" when he orders
things over the phone and a
steady trickle of 2 a.m. calls
from the not entirely sober.  "On
a daily basis," says the non-
famous Eastwood, 32, "some-
body makes a comment."
     He isn't bitter though.  East-
wood, who was named after a
great-uncle, says there has
been good along with the bad
and ugly.  He met his wife,
Christine, 29, a nurse, after she
had noticed his name on a soft-
ball sign-up sheet and wanted
to see what he looked like.
"Then he showed up," she
says, "little Clint Eastwood."
     Big Clint got invited to the
other Eastwood's wedding in
'87, but they never heard back.
"He probably thought it was a
joke," Eastwood says.  The cou-
ple now have three kids and a
good marriage, no doubt in part
because Eastwood is nothing
like his namesake's screen per-
sona:  "I tell my wife I love her
every day."

With a name like mine, he says, "people don't forget you."
© 1998 People Magazine.