Henry Beaty, U.S. actor and director (Warren Beatty)

Eleanor Carter, U.S. first lady (Rosalynn)

Arthur Chamberlain, British statesman (Neville)

Leroy Cleaver, U.S. civil rights leader (Eldridge)

Stephen Cleveland, U.S. president (Grover)

Alfred Cooke, British journalist (Alistair)

John Coolidge, U.S. president (Calvin)

Harold Crane, U.S. poet (Hart)

William Crawford, U.S. actor (Broderick)

Achille Debussy, French composer (Claude)

Mary Fawcett, U.S. actress (Farrah)

William Gable, U.S. actor (Clark)

Francis Harte, U.S. writer (Brett "Bret")

Herbert McLuhan, Canadian educator and writer (Marshall)

Terence McQueen, U.S. actor (Stephen "Steve")

George Newhart, U.S. comedian (Robert "Bob")

James Niven, British actor (David)

Patrick O'Neal, U.S. actor (Ryan)

Olive Osmond, U.S. singer (Marie)

Margaret Pauley, U.S. newscaster (Jane)

Eldred Peck, U.S. actor (Gregory)

David Peckinpah, U.S. director (Samuel "Sam")

William Rains, British actor (Claude)

Charles Redford, U.S. actor (Robert)

Anna Roosevelt, U.S. first lady (Eleanor)

David Rusk, U.S. statesman (Dean)

Ernestine Russell, U.S. actress (Jane)

Alfred Runyon, U.S. journalist and writer (Damon)

Lynn Ryan, U.S. baseball pitcher (Nolan)

Arnold Sevareid, U.S. newscaster (Eric)

Edith Shearer, U.S. actress (Norma)

Robert Shriver, U.S. attorney (Sargent)

Marvin Simon, U.S. playwright (Neil)

Michael Stallone, U.S. actor and director (Sylvester)

Newton Tarkington, U.S. novelist (Booth)

Aaron Ward, U.S. merchant (Montgomery)

George Welles, U.S. actor and director (Orson)

Thomas Wilson, U.S. president (Woodrow)





Famous People Better Known by Their Middle Name